Thursday, November 15, 2007

Who Should Go Away?

Over the past few years, a pattern has emerged for people who try to have discussions with COGites.

There will be a conversation, at some level, that goes back and forth for a little while. Eventually, the COGites will no longer be able to defend their opinion. At this point, they will resort to the only two things they have left - calling more names (personal attacks) and telling the other person to "go away".

They claim to be "open", but when confronted, all they can do is try to get rid of you.

When they're not busy telling people to go away, they're promising to go away.

*Only a few short weeks ago, John Julius told us all how he was going to stay away from Council meetings.

*Gary Lopez has promised numerous times to shut down COG, the last time being a promise to shut it down on Election Day.

*Eric Schwaab has told us that he has "closed" his blog at LEAST twice since the Election.

What do these three men have in common? They all went back on their word, and came back to bother us. Not one of these men have followed through on their promises. Julius was back ranting and raving at the Council meeting tonight. Lopez has been REAL busy. His blog was closed down after Election Day for less than TWO days. Schwaab has been "opening" and "closing" his blog at a frenzied pace.

These COGites are the people who tell opponents that they have "no credibility". COGites should take a look in the mirror, because they aren't going to see any "credibility" in it.

These are the same people who criticize town leaders as fake, phony, and liars. Yet, they can't even keep simple promises. They criticize local officials for making up excuses and stories. Yet, that's EXACTLY what THEY do to explain away their actions. I think that they could use a dose of their own medicine.

I think that the people who spend their time telling other people to "go away", should do what they have PROMISED to do - GO AWAY.

Do I really think that they'll do it? No, but normal people do what they say they will. Or, they don't make crazy public promises that they'll never keep.

Next Day (11/16/2007) Update: Eric Schwaab has once again "closed" his blog today. Let's see long it lasts this time...

Update of Update: Well, that lasted less than 8 hours... Schwaab just reopened his site to post some of the most ridiculous claims I have ever seen... Apparently, he just can't get over the fact that he lost this election.

Third Update: His blog is back fully open right now so his friends can back him up. He is spouting crazy stuff right now... More to come in a post on Sunday. Check out two good analyses of these allegations @ and


Anonymous said...

I find it incredibly sad and pathetic that JJ, GL, ES and TT spend so much time on the blogs. Is there nothing better to do with their time? They go far beyond calling people names, extremely vulgar ones at times. They attack people personally and one of them even opened up a youtube page about one of her outspoken critics. They all delete comments that don't include their opinions. Then they have conversations in the comment sections with themselves and often write under other peoples initials and names. I for one feel sorry for them, that they have such unfulfilled lives that they spend so much time hating people.

Anonymous said...

All of these guys and girls have been rendered impotent by voters, yet they still don't get the hint.

They were scraping the bottom of the barrel of votes. The voters message isn't sinking in to their thick heads.

This town needs all of them to get lost. Take Bugsy back to Boston. List forclosures in the city. Move garbage from the city streets for the mob. Open a rock-shop in Bugsy's dog house on the roof.

Just go away and bother some other town.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't JJ sell real estate? Can't he get them a sweet deal somewhere else?
He was funny last night. He is now the great 'hallucination'.

Anonymous said...

Agree 100% with your article. You left out one of the biggest, vulgar bloggers in Town Taryn Thoman. This woman has started her own hate site an routinely posts numerous comments using different screen names. The police as well as the DA's office have been contacted regarding threats/intimidation tactics by Taryn Thoman. My suggestions would be to her #1)seek professional help, #2)get over it and accept the fact that you were not wanted by the voters, #3)find something else to do with your time. Ever consider knitting?

Anonymous said...

i've heard knitting can be very theraputic.

another point to bring up is that not even their own party supports them. The Democratic Commitee Chairwoman supported Munafo, not Schwaab, even though he was registered as a deomocrat in Boston just a short time ago. Anyone else find that amusing?

Dedicated Precinct3 Voter said...

I'd like to remind everyone that local elections are non-partisan. Party affiliation does not impact these elections and is not printed on the Ballot. So, any Democrat who supported Munafo (a registered Republican) did NOT "cross party lines"...

If political parties were involved in the Council races, then Hersey and Schwaab would have had to face off in a PRIMARY to gain the Democratic slot and Munafo would have had the Republican slot. There is NO way that Schwaab would have beaten Hersey in a Primary race with only Democrats voting.

No matter how you slice it, Schwaab would have lost. He needs to stop being a poor loser and stop whining and move on to other things.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the new thing where they want to find out all the IP addresses of random people, probably all the ones who dont agree with them? they basically want to stalk their dissenters.

Anonymous said...

OK, just read Schwaab's blog, he thinks the water tests were somehow manipulated to make him lose the election:

"Like most towns, water can be very political. While some questions are still unanswered it appears at this time that the timing and public release of water test results may have been manipulated to ensure an election victory for a right-wing religious zealot who had the support of a tax-deadbeats within the Town of Barnstable's business community.

This story is still unfolding and we will be posting letters written to the Barnstable Police Department, the DPU, The Secretary of State and the State Democratic Committee."

What the heck is that all about?
When will this guy get the hint?
People didn't buy his lies and style.
Back to Boston Bugsy!!

Anonymous said...

How sad. I have never seen such a group of classic sore losers! I'm sure after talking their talk, and then LOSING, it must have been extremely embarrassing-I know I laughed AT them. But it looks even worse when you cannot get over it! Stop the conspiracy theory, the blaming and the water issue. YOU GUYS LOST!!! Move on. Find something better to do with your time, the knitting idea was good:) But really, it takes far too much energy to hate people-so my advice is, STOP! You have eachother and your families-stick with them because BARNSTABLE said NO to you!

Anonymous said...

check out the new post on my blog

Anonymous said...

These folks will never go away...having spun a web of conspiracy theories and "enemies lists", they have actually fooled themselves into believing their own nonsense.

As long as the Koggers can grab their '3 minutes of fame' on Thursday evenings, they will continue to show up. As long as they can make defamatory comments on the web without penalty, they will continue to type.

I just hope that the day the Koggers gather together and their leaders stir up a tub of purple Koolaid, they think before they drink.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Coddah:

You are delusional. You are as trite as a Klu Klux Klan recruiting poster.

Anonymous said...

What is the deal with this guy not wanting to accept defeat? What is the personality disorder where you believe you never do anything wrong, it is always someone else's fault? It is what many serial killers are diagnosed with.....

Anonymous said...

If you want to see personality disorders why not look at your heros or heroines?

Anonymous said...

don't give them the attention they seek!
They are acting foolish in order to get people to look. Let them make fools of themselves alone....

kind of sad, actually.

Anonymous said...

Who cares!
These idiots not going to cost us any more money to get attention!!!

It is up to this town's leadership to squash these fools like bugs!!!!

Dedicated Precinct3 Voter said...

I don't think I want "the town's leadership squashing them like bugs". However, for a group that complains about "wasting" money, it appears that that is exactly what two of them (Schwaab and Milne) are going to do.

Perhaps we SHOULD just "let them make fools of themselves alone", but that's kinda hard to do when they're suing us.

Anonymous said...

Read the newest post on barnstable beat

Anonymous said...

Taryn's Mirror is going out of business! I guess selling rocks isin't that profitable after all. Good luck on the internet...

November 24, 2007 11:55 AM