Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hypocrisy? You Decide.

My video has been up for 4 days now. Eric Schwaab has no response. Watch it for yourself below. Mr. Schwaab proves that the very reason he says he is running for office is a farce. The video isn't simply about phone calls - it is Eric Schwaab admitting that the reason he says he is running for office is made up...

Anyway, one of the things he has been doing is complaining that I am making "silly little movies"... Yet, he has his own silly little movie sitting on the front page of his blog... An anonymous caller (supposedly) left a message on the Calvary Baptist Church phone... The movie plays the message and includes the maker calling out the owner of the phone number... And I love how he words his entry so that he insinuates that a Munafo supporter was responsible... Way to sensationalize things...

A few things

  • First: Mr. Schwaab has no business complaining about my video when he is posting his own. It makes him look silly.

  • Second: ANY church that makes political statements of ANY kind are going to get calls like that. Some people cannot handle the idea of church and politics mixing, and are going to feel the need to voice their opinion.

  • Third: Calvary Baptist is a great church and they provide excellent services to the community with their food bank. However, as a church and non-profit food bank, they most likely have what is known as 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. This status allows people who donate money to the group (including Mr. Schwaab) to write it off on their federal taxes as a charitable donation. This incentive encourages donations, and without it, they will lose income. One of the quirks of this status is that these organizations cannot make political endorsements - posting signs is an endorsement. Now, I don't think that this rule is right, but it is the law... unless Calvary wants to lose its exemption...

  • Fourth: During this incident, Mr. Schwaab "helped" the church by taking home the signs of other candidates. This is at least the second time he has interfered with the signs of another candidate. He needs to learn to leave other people's property alone. This "help" is actually against the law...

Decorum Note:

It's worth mentioning here that Mr. Schwaab responded to my video post. He didn't say anything about the video, and proceeded to violate the rules here. His comments were deleted. I put the rules in place for a reason, and expect some respect for them if you want to post comments. The site rules are placed right at the top of the page on the right. They are very clear. If you cannot follow them, don't waste your time posting here.

But what makes it amazing, is that after his comments were removed, Mr. Schwaab complained about it on his site. He said, "It looks like my new friends over at the 3rd Precinct Truth blog are afraid to engage in an open dialog. They are deleting comments." He didn't mention the fact that he violated the rules here - thereby warranting comment deletion. Anyway, not less that 4 hours later, he deleted one of his own comments on the very same page. Amazing! How can he sit there and say that, and then do the very thing he complained about.

Mr. Schwaab, please stop by, comment on the video... As long as you follow the rules, I'm more than willing to host you here... Open dialog is welcome, as long as you follow the rules of this forum... I doubt that you can respond to the video, but the invitation is open.


Anonymous said...

Hang on to this and show it to home depot. They might want one of eric schwaab's houses. Let's hope it is the one in hyannis and he has to go back to boston.

Anonymous said...

There is a growing grass-roots movement to vote NO on question three, the charter question.

BUT we also found out that you can vote for members of the charter commission even when you vote no.

We are spreading the word to bullet vote. Most of us are going to bullet either Sue Rohrbach or Roy Richardson.

There are many of us that believe we need a charter commission, but not now because of the damage these people have done to our town.

Help us spread the word so that we don’t end up with any of these awful Lopez or Schwaab followers on a charter commission that will try to destroy our town!!!!!!

Bugsy said...


Dedicated Precinct3 Voter said...

Eric Schwaab just swore on my blog... How nice...

How mature...

That just screams "leader"...

People - unless you vote for Munafo - THAT will be your Town Councilor...