Maybe Eric Schwaab writes things solely for my benefit, to annoy me with lies and give me something to write about... nah... He must just do it for fun...
In his last post on his Cape COG Living blog, Mr. Schwaab starts talking about the latest COG talking point - the KMART leases currently controlled by the airport. While this is an interesting topic to investigate, Mr. Schwaab decides that it's not interesting enough for him.
Instead, he has to switch over and make baseless accusations against the Town Councilor who won reelection over Mr. Schwaab just over a year ago. Apparently, Mr. Schwaab hasn't gotten over his ballot box defeat, and he hasn't learned anything from it either.
First, Schwaab accuses Munafo of skipping the COG's Meeting of the Voters, because of "prior committments (in the Industrial Park)". Here he's trying to use another campaign lie he already tried - that Munafo is taking bribes from Barnstable's business community. No only does Munafo not take bribes, but here is a Barnstable Patriot article from BEFORE the meeting that shows that Munafo already had a vacation planned WELL in advance of the meeting. The Council AND the Barnstable Patriot knew Munafo wasn't going to be there because of a vacation...
Funny that our intrepid blogger doesn't mention the fact that HE (Eric Schwaab) didn't bother to attend the meeting... (Is being at you home in Brighton the same as a vacation?)
Then, Schwaab goes on a rant that Munafo has been "hiding since last November"... Considering that Mr. Schwaab has NEVER ONCE tried to contact Councilor Munafo even though he ran a campaign against him, how would he know?
During last year's campaign, Mr. Schwaab said "I started this campaign because my neighbors and I could never find the incumbent". Yet, it came out (in part thru this blog) that he never ONCE even TRIED to contact the incumbent, Councilor Munafo. (You can see the my Schwaab Contradiction Video on Youtube.) Now, he with his latest blog entry, he is back again trying to beat the same dead horse.
So, for Mr. Schwaab: If you have a problem with Councilor Munafo, you should probably try telling him about it on something other than your blog. In case you forgot, try watching my Youtube video from last year's debate, because there's plenty of ways to contact him in there. I'm making this suggestion via my blog because I know that you read it, especially when you come up.
For my readers: What you have in Mr. Eric Schwaab is either a man who has yet to get over his election loss, a man who thinks he is going to run for that same seat in the very near future OR perhaps both. It doesn't sound like someone who has learned a lesson from his loss (like how to communicate properly)...
Hi P3T- You hit the nail on the head. Schwaab is bitter about his lose and is a very sore loser.
Hey P3T,
What you have is a guy using the Joakim recall as a blueprint for a recall of Jim Munafo.
As soon as the recall of Janet Joakim is over watch for him to start calling for one for Munafo
btw Barnstable Beat has an excellent series going comparing Barnstable's charter to similar charters across the state
check it out
I guess the truth hurts! Bugsy is practically spitting green nickels over on his blog! Apparently he thinks that Munafo should INITIATE phone calls to his constituents, rather than the other way around. Wouldn't that require some sort of psychic ability?
Recall Munafo ;-)
Your hate bloggin' buddy TJ is out.
And, I've written your mother and father and told them about your own blogging.
Maybe it is time that you wised up.
Attacking private citizens is not very smart way to start out in life.
Anonymous said...
Someone should put a binky in Eric's mouth! The voters did not want you then and they don't want you now. The actions of the group of coggers has made them all non elect able, to any seat in this Town. look at Oliver C. he lost because he was guilty of association. Associating with that group brings you down in the eyes of the voters. It is the kiss of death. That very statement was recently made by Gary Brown. John J. is a prime example. How many people do you think would actually vote for him?
October 9, 2008 6:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Gary Brown is no longer a player. They are naming a boat ramp after him and got him the best job he has ever had in his life. I wish him all the best, but his opinion means nothing now.
Guilt by association is McCarthyistic propaganda promoted by Joakim and her cronies. It is what has caused her recall. People are sick and tired of being intimidated by Joakim, as evidenced by speakers at recent council meetings.
I am not a big fan of Schwaab. He is as irrelevant as TJ. Both are just shadowing blogs of Lopez and Joakim.
There will be no recall for Munafo or any other councilor as the support will simply not be there.
If it were not for "a certain neighborhood spat", I don't believe this recall would have the manpower to even get this far. Munafo is known for returning telephone calls and being candid and consistent on most issues. There is no way Schwaab or anyone else could find grounds for Munafo or any other councilor to be recalled.
Joakim is another story entirely.
She has a history of harassing and intimidating people who criticize her or do not go along with her agenda(s). She got away with it for a long time, but totally blew it with the ZBA. The letter signed by Joakim and three of the four lawyers on the council was a cleverly worded threat to the board to take away certain permitting power should they not go along with their wishes on the Blanchard's decision. This scheme had Joakim's "name written" all over it, and board members knew it. In typical Joakim fashion, vengance was taken out on the board by appointing a neophite over the obviously more qualified candidate. The DRI referral to the CCC AFTER the ZBA approved the Blanchard's project was another gotcha from the Joakim/Klimm bully camp. Voters are simply not willing to sweep this one under the rug. They want accountability. As president, Joakim should have known better, and should take the fall for the ZBA disaster.
Voters do not care about sore losers, citizens who are cash strapped, or other gossipy bile posted on these blogs. They just want some fairness in their government. If Schwaab is threatening to recall Munafo, he is bluffing. Joakim is the only one who has risen to the level of unacceptable behavior on the town council, and is the only one who will ever likely be successfully recalled in the town of Barnstable.
October 10, 2008 8:48 AM
The neighborhood spat has resulted in one criminal charge for a man assaulting a woman and his wife will be charged with criminal harassment for the second time and will be officially notified by mail in just a few days. Keep your eye on the court report in the CCT, her plea will be there in a few weeks. The criminal offenders will be held liable. The false hoods about Janet and her cronies will not help either one of them in front of as judge or a jury of their peers. There is no key board to hide behind. There is a long history with these two stemming from her insurance fraud to him hanging his two daughters out to dry by with holding child support. It will ALL be coming out along with a few "other things". Financially strapped? That's just the start.
"As president, Joakim should have known better, and should take the fall for the ZBA disaster."
... take the fall? for who?
Update: Taryn Thoman will be formally arraigned on Nov .4 at the Barnstable County Court House on charges of CRIMINAL HARASSEMENT. The original date for her arraignment was to be Friday 10/24. No doubt she had it moved so it would be held after the upcoming recall election. Unfortunately for her the charges are now a matter of public record. There will be a story in the Barnstable Patriot tomorrow.
Family pride?
What a day Friday for the Thoman/Wilcox family. They all made headlines in the Barnstable Patriot. Their son was also in the paper for selling something for Cub Scouts to raise money. Put that red letter day in the family scrap book.
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