Now, there is no question that recall of Council President Janet Joakim is much larger than a single recall.
For anyone who does not believe that the Joakim recall does not have a much wider, larger goal behind it, they should check out Gary Lopez's blog today. Lopez spends an entire post advocating for the recall of Councilor James Crocker.
They should also check out Eric Schwaab's Cape COG Living blog where the hate speech, pure lies, personal attacks and other vicious propaganda are being thrown against the wall at an incredible pace.
Schwaab's attacks against Councilor Munafo have picked up at a frenzied pace in the last week or two. Lopez has been insinuating possible recall attempts against other councilors for weeks.
The COG plans are starting to come into action.
In addition to ramping up attacks against selected Town Councilors (Barry, Crocker, and Munafo especially), COG sent its point man out on the attack. A certain unnamed blogger has been going around threatening lawsuits against bloggers like myself and TJ (from Barnstable Beat). He is making wild guesses on who to send the threats to, and innocents are seeing their names tarnished on the internet. He doesn't care that his any of his threats & accusations have no factual basis.
The attempt to intimidate bloggers, restrict free speech, and remove the one element in cyberspace fighting to show the REAL picture in Barnstable will not succeed.
While this one unnamed blogger has been hard at work trying to intimidate bloggers behind the scenes and all the COGers have been trying to bring down the next "wave" of councilors, COG is also trying to clean up its image.
On the COG site, frequent poster and vocal Council critic, John Julius, berated someone for accusing the COG site of being vulgar. Julius went on to defend Lopez, saying that Lopez quickly censors out such language and doesn't tolerate it. Of course, Julius then went on to name a list of terms (that he uses frequently online) that most people would consider swears. He insisted that these inappropriate terms were just fine and not examples of bad language.
Hillary Clinton tried to intimidate Barack Obama, but he kept his cool and pulled out the upset victory. Her intimidation did not work, just like Obama's attempts to "clean up" his image will fail... His image is always going to be what it is... The question is whether or not people will accept him for what he really is?... Or will they accept him simply because they don't like the other guy?... I don't think they will do either...
COGers are trying to intimidate the common man, but we're not going to fold. They're trying to rehabilitate their image, but we all know what it really is... The question for Barnstable is whether or not the plurality is going to side with them or not... Do not accept them for who they are, and don't side with them because you don't like the same people... Take a stand... Support Councilor Joakim against COG now, or it may be YOUR councilor wasting time fighting COG next.
Visit to support Council President Janet Joakim.
Hey P3,
Did you really attack Bugsy's wife on your blog?
Contrary to rumors circling the internet, the family of Eric Schwaab has never been mentioned on this blog.
Why is the Beat restricting entry?What happened?
Check the beat again later today
Was TJ involved in postal fraud in an attempt to smear a counselor in 1996? Maybe he should stay in hiding.
John Julius Can't Take A Punch
AP- Hyannis
It was officially verified today that John Julius of Hyannis, can not take a punch. Julius, who is the biggest name caller in Barnstable, started crying today over a minor mention of him in the Barnstable Patriot. Word on the street is that Julius has entered crybaby rehabilitation to learn how to take criticism like a man. More to follow,
Hey P3
Check out Schwaab in action, lie after lie after lie:
Update: Taryn Thoman will be formally arraigned on Nov .4 at the Barnstable County Court House on charges of CRIMINAL HARASSEMENT. The original date for her arraignment was to be Friday 10/24. No doubt she had it moved so it would be held after the upcoming recall election. Unfortunately for her the charges are now a matter of public record. There will be a story in the Barnstable Patriot tomorrow.
Family pride?
What a day Friday for the Thoman/Wilcox family. They ALL made headlines in the Barnstable Patriot. Their son was also in the paper for selling something for Cub Scouts to raise money. Put that red letter day in the family scrap book.
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