The boil order has been lifted - Hyannis water is safe to drink!
Here's the Official Press Release
Or, see the Official Town Website for more info.
No matter how you slice this, there was no imminent threat to Hyannis water customers. There was no criminal negligence. There was simply an issue in a backup water storage tank. The Mass Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) simply overreacted via standard protocol to protect Hyannis from any possible contamination.
This issue was detected quickly because of the high number of tests done on every facet of Hyannis' water system. It was ended quickly because of the excellent work of many, and even more perfect tests.
The fact is that this contamination NEVER left this BACKUP tank! It NEVER entered the distribution system! There was never any E Coli in the water you and I drink!
It looks like the only reason there was a boil order was because of standard Mass DEP protocol. Hyannis water users' water was actually safe to drink during this situation. The order was simply a precautionary measure.
Looks like the fear-mongers lose again!
Barnstable Beat here,
Please read the new post on my blog.
I read tj's post on
I strongly encourage people to read it. Great Stuff.
Included in that post is some analysis of Eric Schwaab - "The Post Deleter" - taking another hit and run shot, this time at one of the most respected and beloved individuals in Barnstable.
I am glad that someone actually copies the stuff before it gets deleted. The beat blog and this blog are great. I read the other 2 for entertainment purposes. Scary entertainment. Town council should be be good to watch this week. I just question the strange sequence of events in the last 2 weeks. Creepy.
Besides Barnstable Beat taking the Lord's name in vain, what else is he saying but believe town hall.
"Believe town hall" ooooo that must be a bad thing, right?
We must all assume that anyone in goverment and politics is out to put money in their pockets and rip off all the poor people, right?
Wrong, Lopez and Julius are to only look in the mirror to find the root of their own miseries.
And, doirian? I just feel sorry for him!!
12:22 anonymous: I don't need anonymous sorrow and pity. That brand is ugly. And you might try spelling peoples' names correctly. But, of course, that's your mo ain't it.
Incidentally any relation to Precinct 3's infamous Integrity. Anonymous integrity at that.
Peter Doroin: you might try using proper english.
Your post is utterly incoherent. What are you trying to say?
Anon 12:23 p.m. Too bad you missed the first grade, they taught reading there and still do. I learned mine in the old school on Main Street. As I've said before into each life a little learning must fall. Even to anonymous crackers.
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