This is an important update on the post below. Mr. Schwaab's video from yesterday has been removed and replaced with a new version... because it was TOTALLY wrong!
I was lucky enough to still have a copy saved on my computer to share with you to show you that this guy will say anything. Watch the original version here, and the post below... then saunter over to his site to see the new video... It's a riot.
read the story about Eric's video over at the Barnstable Beat
This was left on Eric's blog today, copied it before he deleted it.
Hey Eric, after reading the Patriot’s endorsement of Munafo, it seems I’m not the only person you’ve lied to during this campaign.
Oh yeah…and your ideas suck…
1. Speaking of expensive, how expensive will it be for the town to hire its own repaving crew, as you suggest? Equipment, salaries, benefits etc. What are you going to do with repaving workers in the winter? Then, in two years when all the roads are repaved.. then what -pink slips. How about you register your car here and start paying your excise taxes to Barnstable. Maybe that would help to fund new roads too.
2. Who every gave you the impression COMM water will let you tap their lines? Even if they did, wouldn’t you still need to run the water through the so called poison pipes?
3. I don’t know why JJ hasn’t ripped you a new *$% yet. You have clearly abandoned the split tax question and are on record as saying you would not vote a split rate of 1.5 but rather a neutered rate of 1.25. (GHACC Candidate night)
Speaking of questionable motives what makes a guy from Boston, with a car he bought in Boston, and a dog he bought in Maine, change his voter registration to Hyannis, quit work and campaign full time for a $7,000 per year job? hmmmmm
Finally, You are not one of “US” as you love to proclaim. You were not raised here, go to school here, no kids in school here, parents not retired here, don’t pay your share of taxes here (donation to a 501 c(3) is a dollar for dollar write-off and you know it). WE do not want to be part of your “experiment”. You had your chance to try to “fix” things when you where appointed to the water board… remind me how that ended up!
I support Jim Munafo because he is a man of his word, whether I like what he is saying, or not. You’re a liar and manipulator, who is trying to scare people into voting for you.
Chew on that!
M. Hersey
Fri Oct 26, 05:12:00 PM
There is a new story about Eric Schwaab over at the Barnstable beat
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