Fashions come and go... but being compared favorably to Presidents Kennedy and Reagan is something that today's Presidential candidates are trying to do again.
For many election cycles now, candidates have been trying to jump on the backs of these Presidents' legacies. I want a candidate who is not afraid to be his own man.
As a self-proclaimed Conservative, I am very disappointed by this race. No candidate from either party comes close to having what I would consider to be "true" Conservative values. My current party of choice has given us four major candidates (3 now that Guiliani left) and Ron Paul.
None of the Big 3 (Romney, McCain and Huckabee) has a consistent enough record to be considered a true conservative and they also have their big conservative no-no's.
Romney - Approving Massachusetts' socialized health-care system
McCain - His McCain-Feingold legislation restricted First Amendment Free Speech Rights
Also proposed a bill to give all illegal immigrants amnesty
Huckabee - Rush Limbaugh has said that Huckabee "is not a conservative" and his record as governor of Arkansas proves it
Ron Paul has many conservative views, but while a very intriguing candidate, is more of a libertarian. In today's mass media-driven culture, Paul is never going to be heard or taken seriously. Leaving us with, again, the Big Three...
Right now, the entire Big Three are all saying that they are the Reaganesque candidate. I heard Romney and McCain do it in their speeches Tuesday night, and have heard Huckabee do it in the past. They are trying to be SEEN as conservatives because their records don't show it.
Of the three, Romney appears not only to be the most conservative, but he would also make the best President. McCain is more liberal than many elected Democrats and Huckabee has a speckled record at best - and his only support seems to be coming from Chuck Norris.
This Tuesday, I had been planning on voting for Ron Paul to send a message to the media that they should not filter out candidates for us... but with the most liberal Republican (McCain) seeming to have the most momentum, Romney needs every vote he can get.
The Democrats are just as bad on the riding the coattails of legacy. Hillary, of course, has been riding her husband's (until it backfired last week). Obama seemingly has the endorsement of the entire Kennedy family and they're all telling us how much he reminds them of their Presidential relative.
I'm tired of America's "coattail" mentality. We need candidates who aren't afraid to be their own person. Until I find one, Romney is my candidate.
I agree that we need a man who is his own man. That is why I continue to support Ron Paul and why I detest the idea of turncoats swithching because someone (probably the media) telling them that Ron Paul is not electable. Maybe he truly is a libertarian -- if so, he's got my vote and support. A vote for any of the others is just a vote for the S O S (same old stuff). I'll not turn my back on the best candidate because someone tries to tell me he is not electable. Read the real people's polls.
I don't agree with the Latter-Day Saints practice of baptizing the deceased through searches of death records...That is the worst invasion of individual rights I've seen yet. He is not the man to lead the USA in this world. Also, comparing these candidates in a time that is nothing like the Kennedy or Reagan era is just plain wrong, and I totally agree that we need someone who is their own man, in line with now and the future!
Don't change your vote just because you think some other candidate "needs all the votes he can get." That's the only true way to throw your vote away. If you're just voting to be on the winning team then you're not voting for who you REALLY want to win, just the guy you'd RATHER see win. What kind of choice is that? This is the mentality that perpetuates the "Big 3" scenario, as you call it. How many people do you think voted for McCain because they thought "he needed all the votes he could get?"
As far as the most Regan-esque candidate? Well, if it matters, it's definitely Ron Paul. I really can't explain it any better than Dr. Paul did at the debate. It's really quite simple: if you want honesty, fiscal conservatism and the Constitution brought back into the government, vote Ron Paul, if you want something else, don't. The choice is yours.
Recent tragedy at Kirkwood Town Meeting reminds us that these arguments can grow out-of-hand. See Hyannis News story link:
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Joakim fires back!
February 10, 2008 by hyannisnews
“There’s a new Sheriff in town!”
Janet Joakim fired back at bloggers today, showing apparent concern regarding town meeting security in light of the recent Kirkwood shootings where six people were killed. On her blog “Seven Villages” Town Council President Janet “Go Ahead Punk” Joakim seems to be very concerned about the possibility of someone going POSTAL at any one of Barnstable’s many town meetings. (Or could this be just another sly attempt to put further restrictions on town meeting commenters? - Or is Joakim really worried?)
Today, Joakim pledged to address the subject of possible mass shootings at public meetings. On her blog Joakim says she will be looking at the issue over the next week or so. Click here to visit Janet’s blog and learn more ——> You go girl!
The following is a recent post on Joakim’s blog site:
…could it happen here? by Janet Joakim
February 9, 2008 at 2:28 pm
This is the question no one seems to be asking publicly - but many are asking privately.
A few of us have considered this in detail, and I will share some of those thoughts over the next few days.
Would it happen here?
Kirkwood Montana City Council - official 2008 photo taken in council chambers
(click image for full size)
Seated left to right: Timothy E. Griffin, Mayor Mike Swoboda, Arthur J. McDonnell.
Standing left to right:
Michael H.T. Lynch (killed), Joseph E. Godi, Connie Karr (killed), Iggy Yuan
Mo. town struggles after City Hall shooting
6 dead after man with a grudge against local leadership goes on rampage
updated 7:51 a.m. ET, Sat., Feb. 9, 2008
KIRKWOOD, Mo. - Some left flowers, balloons and memorials on the steps of City Hall. Others gathered at a prayer vigil where a bell tolled six times as mourners clutched white candles.
Residents of this St. Louis suburb struggled to heal as they tried to make sense of a shooting spree at a City Council meeting that left five people dead and the mayor fighting for his life. read the rest of this story
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The above post is from Taryn Thoman "aka" the after midnight blogger! leave Janet a lone and go to bed. You really need the beauty sleep...
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